
Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening services offered in Montrose, CA

Teeth Whitening services offered in Montrose, CA

Stained or discolored teeth can dim your smile and wreck your confidence. Fortunately, the expert providers at Montrose Dental Specialty in Montrose, California, offer innovative Zoom! teeth whitening procedures. You can expect to see your teeth eight shades whiter after one 45-minute session. If you want to revitalize your smile, schedule an appointment online today or call the friendly staff.

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is everything the name suggests, a process to make your teeth whiter. Montrose Dental Specialty uses the painless, noninvasive Zoom! whitening technology. This procedure elegantly brightens the shade of your teeth while keeping them looking natural.

The state-of-the-art technology uses trays, whitening gel, and an LED light to safely speed up the bleaching process and whiten your smile.

Am I a good candidate for teeth whitening?

Montrose Dental Specialty will recommend teeth whitening if you have tooth stains or discoloration. This can result from:

  • Bad oral hygiene
  • Missing routine dental cleanings
  • Smoking
  • Taking some medications
  • Drinking coffee
  • Consuming red wine
  • Drinking dark juices or sodas 
  • Getting older

Your provider thoroughly examines your current oral health, reviews your medical history, and orders dental X-rays before determining if you are a candidate for Zoom! whitening. 

Similarly to other whitening products, your provider won’t recommend Zoom! to patients 13 and younger or if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.

What happens during a teeth whitening procedure?

Your provider works with you to determine which of the various Zoom! treatments will work best for you. 

Philips Zoom! WhiteSpeed

With this 45-minute procedure, you can expect your provider to perform a professional cleaning before applying whitening gel to your teeth. They then point the Zoom! WhiteSpeed LED light at your teeth to break up the stains and discoloration and speed up the whitening.

After repeating this process three times, they apply an enamel-protecting gel. You might experience some tingling, but the procedure is painless.

Philips Zoom! QuickPro

This procedure doesn’t whiten your teeth as extensively as the WhiteSpeed procedure. But it only takes 10 minutes in the office and is more cost-effective.

During this session, your provider applies a whitening substance to your teeth, then adds a protective sealant. You can go about your day, but you must brush off the whitening gel after 30 minutes.

Philips Zoom! DayWhite and Philips Zoom! NiteWhite

These at-home whitening kits include customized trays to wear over your teeth. You wear Zoom! DayWhite trays once or twice during the daytime for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your needs.

You can wear the Zoom! NiteWhite trays overnight. You use both treatments for two weeks and should continue to brush and floss your teeth daily.

If you’re looking to freshen your smile with Zoom! whitening, reach out to Montrose Dental Specialty online or by phone today.