
Bone Grafting

Bone Grafting services offered in Montrose, CA

Bone Grafting services offered in Montrose, CA

Things like genetics and gum disease can lead to jawbone loss over time. At Montrose Dental Specialty in Montrose, California, the experienced dental team offers bone grafting to build up and strengthen your jawbone. Without treatment, jawbone loss can cause permanent tooth loss and make it so your jaw can’t support dental implants. Contact the office today to schedule an appointment to learn more about bone grafting or request your visit online.

What is bone grafting?

Bone grafting is designed to increase the quality and quantity of your jawbone. When your jawbone loses density and weakens, it damages its ability to adequately support natural teeth or dental implants.

The talented dental team at Montrose Dental Specialty specializes in bone grafting and the subsequent placement of dental implants for patients aged 12 and older.

What puts me at risk for jawbone loss?

Many things can weaken or diminish jawbone, including gum disease, tooth decay, advancing age, and trauma. Visiting your dentist regularly for professional teeth cleanings, consistently brushing after meals, flossing daily, and limiting sugary foods and beverages reduce your risk of gum disease and subsequent bone loss.

Am I a candidate for bone grafting?

The Montrose Dental Specialty team evaluates your oral health and jawbone quality to determine if bone grafting is right for you. They assess your oral health history, complete a thorough oral examination, and analyze recent dental X-rays.

How does bone grafting work?

The Montrose Dental Specialty specialists use various techniques for bone grafting. They implant grafting materials into the affected area to stimulate your body’s built-in ability to regenerate tissue. These grafts can come from a tissue bank, your own bone, animal tissue, or synthetic materials.

With time, your body naturally absorbs the graft, promoting the development of new jawbone cells. The new bone provides a solid foundation for dental implants.

What is it like to undergo bone grafting?

Your provider numbs the treatment area with a local anesthetic. They sedate you if you’re undergoing an extensive procedure, are concerned about comfort, or will receive a dental implant at the same time.

You’ll usually need to wait for the jaw tissue to heal before proceeding with dental implant placement. This process can take several months.

You’ll feel only a bit of pressure during the procedure. Afterward, you could be a little sore in the area that received the graft, but most people tolerate the procedure well. 

Contact the Montrose Dental Specialty team by phone or request an appointment online to learn more about bone grafting.