
All on Four

All on Four services offered in Montrose, CA

All on Four services offered in Montrose, CA

Experience the remarkable transformational process that is All-on-4®. This revolutionary solution gives you a complete set of new teeth using just four precisely placed implant posts. The experienced providers at Montrose Dental Specialty Center in Montrose, California, offer this cutting-edge treatment, also called “teeth in a day.” The skilled dentists and oral surgeons meticulously plan your procedure to ensure impeccable results. Learn more by scheduling a consultation today by phone or online at Montrose Dental Specialty.

What is All-on-4?

All-on-4 is an advanced denture choice that replaces most or all of your teeth in the upper or lower arch (or both). You can achieve beauty and function with just four strategically positioned implant posts.

While some extractions \might be needed, the remarkable aspect of All-on-4 lies in its ability to provide complete results using just a few implants.

What goes into the planning for All-on-4?

Planning your All-on-4 treatment involves sophisticated diagnostic tools and technologies. The Montrose Dental Specialty providers use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans to produce detailed images of your mouth and jaw.

Coupled with computer imaging and 3D models, the team meticulously plans the placement and angles of the four implants. A custom denture is designed to match your original smile’s dimensions and appearance.

What are the benefits of All-on-4? 

For those missing most or all of the teeth in an arch, All-on-4 dental implants offer a transformative solution. Compared with alternatives like traditional dentures or choosing to go without teeth, All-on-4 presents many benefits.

The advantages include:

  • Stability
  • Durability
  • Lifelong results
  • Restored chewing and speaking
  • No dietary restrictions
  • Natural-looking teeth

All-on-4 also addresses cosmetic concerns by designing your denture to seamlessly blend with your natural smile. Over time, you might notice little difference between your All-on-4 teeth and your original ones.

Am I a candidate for All-on-4?

To receive All-on-4, you must be in good health. Placing the implants isn’t terribly invasive but is minor surgery. You must be healthy enough to undergo mild sedation.

Some medical conditions, like uncontrolled diabetes and prior radiation therapy of the jaw, could make you ineligible for All-on-4 treatment. Smoking will also disqualify you. The team encourages you to quit smoking if you want All-on-4 implants.

You must have healthy gums and no other active oral health problems. The Montrose Dental Specialty team also evaluates your jaw’s bone volume. If you don’t have enough jawbone, they’ll require bone graft procedures before you receive the implants.

Call Montrose Dental Specialty today or use this website to schedule your All-on-4 evaluation.